Kick back and watch the dirt fly!
Sooner Late Model Series Rules

Option 1
All steel engine and heads
12" spoiler
Weight: 2150
Fuel: Gas, E85, Methanol
Tires: LM 20, LM 30, LM 40, WRS-2 D55, LMT2, LMT3, LMT4. Front tires optional.
Option 2
Steel Block
Aluminum heads
10" spoiler
Weight: 2300
Fuel: Gas, E85, Methanol
Tires: LM 30, LM 40, WRS-2 D55. Front tires optional.
Option 3
Aluminum block
Aluminum heads
8" spoiler
Weight: 2350
Fuel: Gas, E85, Methanol
Tires: LM 40, WRS-2 D55, Left Rear: LMT3 or LM 30. Right Rear: LMT 4 or LM 40, Front tires optional.
Option 4
Crate car
604 engine
602 engine
8" spoiler
Weight: 2300
Fuel: Gas, E85, Methanol
Tires: Crate 21 tire on rear or LMT 3 on rear. Cannot mix or match. Front tires optional.
Option 5
Cash Money Late Model Series rules
a) The nosepiece style (GM, Ford, Mopar) must match the body style of the car and be the same as the model used.
b) All cars must have a minimum of half inch (1/2") and a maximum of one inch (1") radius at the top of fenders, doors and quarter panels. A sharp edge will not be permitted.
c) Floor boards and firewall must fully cover the driver's area and be constructed to provide maximum safety.
d) Legible race numbers, at least eighteen inches (18") high are required on each side of the car and on the roof.
e) Race number(s) must be displayed on the front nose and rear fuel cell and be a minimum of six inches (6") in height.
f) No fins or lips of any kind are permitted anywhere along the entire length of the car.
g) The body line must be a smooth even line from front to rear.
h) No wedge shape cars are permitted.
i) No "belly pans" or any type of enclosure on the bottom of the car is permitted. A robust skid plate to protect the oil pan is permitted,
j) No wings or tunnels of any kind are permitted underneath the body or chassis of the car.
k) A maximum of one (1) stone deflector, for rear mounted oil pumps, oil filters, and for the main oil tank will be permitted. The deflector may be made of steel, aluminum, or heavy guage wire. The cover may only be mounted near the unit it is desiged to protect with a maximum size of eighteen inches square (18" x 18") and mounted only from the upper right frame rail to the lower right frame rail.
l) No panels of any kind under the rear deck running from the front to the rear of the car are permitted.
m) Non-approved bodies may at the discretion on the tech inspector, be assessed a fifty pound weight penalty.
n) Any style air cleaner scoop used must be positioned in front of or around the air cleaner and cannot exceed one inch (1") in height above any part of the air cleaner. The scoop may not have fins or raised edges designed to direct air flow.
o) No cockpit adjustable components with the exception of brake bias are permitted. No adjusters for adjustable shocks, hydraulic or pneumatic weight jacks, trackers, ignition boxes or similar adjustable components of any kind are permitted inside the cockpit of the car or within reach of the seated driver. Taping over of the adjuster(s) is not permitted. The offending component must be removed from the cockpit.
a) Only DIRT MotorSport approved stock nosepieces may be used. A list of approved manufactures and part numbers is available from Dirt MotorSports.
b) Nosepieces must be made of molded type material.
c) Two piece noses must be fastened together in the center. Spacers added to gain width are not permitted.
d) The nosepieces must be mounted so as not to alter its original shape.
e) The nosepieces can extend a maximum of fifty two inches (52") from the center of the front hub to the farthest point extending forward.
f) The nosepiece must have a headlight decal package affixed. A one race grace period, running contrasting color tape in the shape of a headlight will be permitted.
a) The roof length size must be a minimum of forty four inches (44") to a maximum of fifty four inches (54").
b) The roof width size must be a minimum of forty eight inches (48") to a maximum of fifty two inches (52").
c) The roof must be stock appearing and be mounted level.
d) The roof height must be between forty five inches (45") and forty eight inches (48") from the ground.
e) The roof must be mounted parallel to the body and near the center of the car as viewed from the front.
f) A maximum one and one half inch(1.5") roll, turned downward, is permitted along the front edge of the roof. A maximum one inch (1") roll turned downward, is permitted along the rear edge of the roof. (These rolls are permitted to help strengthen the roof.) No turn up at the rear of the roof will be permitted.
g) No flat or odd shaped roofs are permitted. No bellied or hollow roofs.
h) Any sun/antiglare shields may not exceed a 4" drop from the top roof line, and must hinge for easy exiting.
a) All roof side panels must extend to the edge of the body.
b) Roof side panel window size must match the dimensions in the drawing and be a minimum of ten by fifteen inches (10" x 15").
c) The window area may be covered with clear Lexan or equivalent, be cut out, or be represented by a decal. Both roof support openings must be covered or both must be left open.
d) Left and right side window panels must match.
e) A maximum bow of one and one half (1.5") outward on the window side panels as viewed from behind will be permitted.
f) Front roof supports up to two inches wide must extend forward to the rear of the hood.
a) The hood and front fenders must be level and flat from the left to the right side of the car.
b) The line from front to rear fender heights must slope up.
c) No part of the fender or the hood can be outside of the body line.
d) The front fender can be a maximum of thirty seven inches (37") in height. Height is measured verticially from the ground to the top of the fender behind the front tires.
e) Front fender flares must be made of plastic and cannot alter the original shape of the nosepiece.
f) The front fender flares cannot extend beyond the front tires more than one inch (1") per side to a maximum of ninety inches (90") in width with wheels pointed straight.
g) The front fenders flares may not be higher than the front fender by more than two inches (2").
h) Front fenders flares must have collapsible supports.
a) The door to door measurement cannot exceed seventy six inches (76") in width at the top of the doors.
b) The door to door measurement cannot exceed eight two inches (82") in width at the bottom in the center of the car.
c) Doors cannot exceed thirty seven inches (37") in height measured from the ground.
d) At no point can the door sides break inwards from the top 76" and bottom 82" measurements. No hollow or bellied doors permitted.
e) The minimum ground clearance permitted is three inches (3").
a) The maximum distance permitted from the center to the rear hub to the top corner of the quarter panel is fifty two inches (52").
b) The quarter panels cannot exceed seventy six inches (76") in width at any point behind the center of the rear hub as measured at the top.
c) Rear decks must taper from seventy six inches (76"), as measured at the top, over the rear hubs, uniformly back to seventy two inches (72") at the spoiler, either, equally on both sides or on the left side only.
d) The quarter panels cannot exceed eighty inches (80") in width in the center (19" height off ground) or at the bottom.
e) At no point can quarter panel sides break inwards towards the center of the car. No hollow or bellied quarter panels permitted.
f) The maximum distance from the center of the rear hub to the end of the quarter panel is forty eight inches (48").
g) The maximum height permitted from the ground to the top of the deck is thirty eight inches (38").
h) Tire clearance from the body should be a minimum of two inches (2").
i) No skirting is permitted to extend behind the quarter panel.
a) The rear spoiler must be manufactured of adequate strength material such as Lexan or Aluminum.
b) The maximum overall length of the material used on the rear spoiler is determined by the engine package (see engine specifications page 9).
c) The rear spoiler is not permitted to be suspended above the deck to create a "wing effect".
d) The rear spoiler must begin where the quarter panels end.
e) No more than three spoiler supports are permitted. The front edge of the spoiler supports must be in line.
f) The outer spoiler supports cannot be mounted wider than the top of the quarter panel, and must be centered on the deck.
g) Spoilers will be measured according to the total length of and width of the material, in any shape or form. If an aluminum angle is used to brace the upper edge of the spoiler, it may not add to the spoiler height or length in any way.
a) No area of the interior of the cockpit can be less than eleven inches (11") below the roof and the roll cage for safety and easy exiting of car from either side measured straight up and down.
b) Side windows must have fifteen inches (15") minimum opening, measured at an angle to the door.
c) No support bars are permitted to block the right window exit from the cockpit.
d) A rock guard (lexan screen) can taper back from the steering wheel to a height of one inch (1") in line with the driver's chest providing the eleven inch (11") minimum clearance is met at any point from the roll cage to the body or rock guard. Easy exit on right side of the car is imperative.
e) Dropped interiors may begin no further forward than the rear engine plate with a maximum of four inches (4"), and cannot drop below (4") of the rear of the hood. The start of the dropped interior may not be open, as this forms part of the fire wall. The entire width must be closed off in sheet metal.
f) The interior must gradually taper up to the quarter panel height and be level for twenty inches (20") from the rear of the quarter panel and deck.
a) A full metal firewall must encompass the driver's compartment from front to rear, on both sides and the floor boards. Aluminum or sheet metal is required.
b) The driver's seat must be of a proper high back aluminum racing seat design, located on the left side of the car and securely attached to the frame. This seat must incorporate a padded headrest. A right side padded head rest must be incorporated in the absence of a head net or padded head support attached to the roll cage.
c) All cars must have a quick-release type steering wheel.
d) All cars must have a working starter, operated from inside the car.
e) No mirrors are permitted.
f) No radios are permitted in the car or on anyone connected with car.
g) The edges around the driver's cockpit must be suitably protected with trim or beading. Care must be taken not to have any sharp, jagged or rough fasteners, brackets or anything else that could snag the driver's suit when the driver exits the car.
h) A substantial rock guard steel screen must be mounted in front of the driver to protect him from flying debris and rocks.
a) The wheel base width must be between a minimum of one hundred and three inches (103") and maximum of one hundred and five inches (105").
b) All frames must be of steel construction and must be a minimum of two inches by two inches square (2"x 2"), or rectangular, with a minimum material thickness of .083 inches.
c) If a round tube frame is used, the tubing must have a minimum of one and three quarter inch (1.75") outside diameter, with a minimum material thickness of .083 inches.These frames must use 4130 Chrome Moly Steel or DOM for construction.
d) If the rear bumper is stubbed, it may only extend a maximum of eight inches (8") beyond the frame. Any stubbed rear bumper that extends in excess of eight inches (8") beyond the frame must be rounded and directed eight inches towards the front of car.
e) No external rub rails are permitted.
f) It is recommended that all cars be equipped with a tow hook or strap.
g) All battery supports must be braced in at least two axes, two horizontal and one vertical.
h) All frames built from 2006 on, are required to have the builder's unique serial number plate prominently attached by welding on the left side of the roll cage upright. The letters and number shall not exceed 8 in number, and be half inch (0.5") in height.
a) Cars must have a suitable steel roll cage in the driver's compartment.
b) Should the drivers seat not have a suitable right side padded headrest, or right side head net, one must be attached onto the roll cage.
c) Side roll bars are mandatory and must extend into the door panels.
d) A minimum of three bars must be used on the left side of the car. Each bar must be a minimum of one and one half inch (1 1/2") in diameter with a minimum thickness of .065".
e) The roll cage must be welded to the frame.
f) The roll cage must be above the driver's helmet.
g) For all new frames build in 2006 on, an extra vertical side brace bar of one and one half inch (1.5") dia x .065" is required on left side in line with the steering wheel.
a) No direct drives are permitted. The transmission must be bolted to the engine, and must have forward and reverse gears and must be able to shift to forward or reverse with engine running, All cars must be self starting.
a) The drive shaft must be a minimum of two inches (2") in diameter. All drive shafts must be painted white.
b) Only one drive shaft is permitted.
c) The driveshaft must be protected with a minimum of one secure driveshaft hoop or sling, however, DIRT MotorSports recommends using two hoops.
a) Any type of rear end differential is permitted.
b) No "live axle" rear ends are permitted.
c) No independent rear suspension is permitted.
d) Only floater "wide five" hub assemblies are permitted.
a) All cars must be equipped with a four wheel disc braking system.
a) Shocks must be constructed of aluminum or steel. Remote reserviors are permitted.
b) No more than 6 shock absorbers total.
a) Coil springs must be steel. Leaf springs may be composite or steel.
a) Only steel or aluminum wheels are permitted.
b) The wheels must be mounted with lug nuts. No "knock-off" mounting devices are permitted.
c) The maximum wheel width permitted is fourteen inches (14").
d) Wheel spacers are permitted provided they do not cause the front track width to exceed the ninety inches maximum or rear track to exceed the eight-eight inches maximum measured outside to outside of the tire.
See Rules Package at top of page
a) Only Hoosier WRS 55, LM 40.
b) Max tire hoop width is sixteen and three quarters inches (16.75").
c) No defacing or refacing of tire lettering permitted.
d) No tire softening permitted.
e) Must durometer 59 or higher before race.
f) The tire brand used in heat race must be used in the feature. No tire swapping.
See Rules Package at top of page
If you have an all steel engine you can run a 12 inch spoiler and LM 30 tire with no weight rule.
If you have a steel engine with aluminum heads you can run a 10 inch spoiler with a 2,300 pound weight rule.
If you have a steel engine with aluminum heads 18 degrees or higher you can run the LM 30 tire.
All aluminum can run 8 inch spoiler and weight 2,350 pounds.
a) Only V8 engines will be permitted with no limit on cubic inch displacement.
b) Engines must be based on a factory design and must be naturally aspirated. Aluminum or steel blocks are permitted.
c) Magnetos are permitted. However, the engine must have an operating self starter.
d) The engine is permitted to be set back a maximum of twenty five and one half inch (25 1/2") from center of the ball joint to the front of the motor plate/engine bell housing flange.
e) The carburetor is limited to 1 four barrel unit.
f) All engines are limited to one spark and two valves per cylinder.
g) All aluminum engines must run 50 lbs. lead in middle plate.
h) SPOILERS: Engines that are all steel can run twelve inch (12") spoiler. Engines that are steel block and aluminum heads can run ten inch (10") spoiler. Engines that are all aluminum can run eight inch (8") spoiler.
a) All traction control devices utilizing wheel sensors or any means of measuring ground speed to control wheel spin are strictly prohibited.
b) Adjustable ping control devices, dial a chip controls, timing controls, or automated throttle controls are NOT permitted in the cockpit or any other position accessible to the driver.
c) Any remote controlled components inside or outside the cockpit of any competitor's race car are NOT permitted.
d) No data acquisition systems are permitted.
e) Any competitor found with any of the above will be fined could be disqualified and suspended for up to a year.
a) All cars must have fuel cells to FT3 specifications - 35 gallon maximum. The fuel cell must be in a completely enclosed, in minimum 20-gauge steel or 0.060" aluminum container. The entire container must be visible. The driver must be prepared to drain fuel upon request for measurement.
b) The fuel pick up must be on top or right side of the fuel cell, be constructed of steel and must have a check valve in case of roll over.
c) Only racing gasoline or alcohol is permitted. No nitrous oxide, nitro-methane, or propylene oxide is permitted. Fuel may be checked at any time.
d) The FT3 fuel cell must be securely mounted behind the rear axle between the rear tires, a minimum or four inches ahead of the rear bumper, no lower than the quick change housing. It must be mounted with a minimum of two .125 inch thick steel straps two inches wide around the entrie cell. Cells mounted in a square tubing frame are permitted. All cells must be securely mounted to the frame. The bolts used to mount the fuel cell must be a minimum of 7/16".
e) No fuel injection system or electrical fuel pumps or any type of pressurized fuel system is permitted. Only mechanical or belt driven fuel pumps are permitted.
a) The exhaust is not permitted to be directed towards the ground. (The exhaust must be parallel to the ground so as to disturb as little dust as possible.)
b) All headers must end with a collector.
a) Any attached weights must be securely attached to frame below the decking, painted white and have the car number clearly displayed on them. Weights of up to 50 pounds must be secured by two half inch grade 5 bolts on two weight clamps. Weights secured by one bolt and/or held on by a means other than accepted by the Tech Inspector will not permitted. No all thread will be permitted. Due to the high risk factor involved, any car that loses lead weight during an event may be fined or face disqualification. Clamp around weights are permitted.
b) No weights may be attached to rear bumper.
c) No lead pellets or liquid weights are permitted.
d) No driver-operated weight adjustment devices are permitted.
e) The total weight of the car with the driver must not be less than 2300 track scale pounds.
f) Steel block has no weight.
g) Steel block and aluminum heads 2300 lbs.
h) Aluminum blocks 2350 lbs.
a) No car will qualify without Tech Inspector approval. All cars must be available for inspection prior to the advertised time of the driver's meeting. Following the drivers meeting, covers of any type are prohibited until the feature is completed. All race cars are subject to inspection by officials at any time.
a) The use of at least a DIRT approved five point seat belt system including a crotch belt is required. The system is to be mounted to the frame and not to the floor pan. The mounts must be run at the same direction, as the belts are intended to secure the driver. The belt webbing must be protected from any sharp cutouts in the sheet metal or any other sharp edges. The date on the belt must not exceed 4 years.
b) Seat belt webbing that comes into contact with any sharp or unradiused metal edge must be protected from the edge by means of push on grip vinyl trim. The areas of concern are the webbing slots in the metal racing seats. All the seat manufacturers either roll the edge or supply the seat with trim protecting the webbing from abrasion or cutting under impact conditions. Webbing entry slots into the seat with an existing metal roll of 1/8 inch smooth radius will not require vinyl trim.
c) The areas where the webbing slot has been enlarged by filling or cutting are of particular concern. In most instances the edges have been left sharp, increasing the incidence of belt failure. As racing seat belts are subjected to severe conditions, it is encourged that worn/frayed belts are replaced immediately and undamaged belts are replaced every 24 months. The date sewn into the webbing should be used as a guide. Where the seat belt date is known to be "new old stock", it is acceptable practice to extend the replacement date on that set of belts to 36 months from date of manufacture. Damaged belts will also not be permitted.
b) There must be no sharp or protruding edges in or around the cockpit, which would impede the driver's rapid exit from the car.
c) A headrest (behind the head) with padding is required.
d) A right headnet in the absence of a padded right headrest is required. Headnets must be equipped with quick release mechanisms.
e) There must be a marked electrical kill switch in reach of driver.
f) There must be a marked fuel shut off valve in reach of driver.
g) All drivers must wear a clean one-piece DIRT approved driver's suit, quilted or with underwear, head socks, gloves, foot socks and shoes to DIRT approved specifications.
h) An undamaged Snell SA95 or newer spec full face helmet is mandatory for all events including track packing.
i) All crews must carry an operable fire extinguisher of 20 pounds marked with a car number in 2 inch numbers/letters in the rear of their transporter, capable of extinguishing gas and oil fires.
j) Neck collars or similar restraints are suggested.
k) Arm restraints are suggested.
l) Flame retardant seat, roll bar, knee and steering pads or padding are required.
m) Driver's suits, gloves, shoes and helmets must be present at Tech inspection.
The rules and/or regulations setforth herein are designed to facilitate the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules shall govern the condition for all events, and by participating in these events, all participants agree to comply with these rules and regulations. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM PUBLICATION OF, OR COMPLIANCE WITH, THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS. They are intended solely as a guide for the conduct of the sport, and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to participants, spectators, officials, or others. The Race Director shall be empowered to permit any reasonable and appropriate deviation from any of the specifications and procedures herein, or impose any further restrictions that in his/her opinion does not alter the minimum acceptable requirements. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM ANY SUCH DEVIATION OR RESTRICTION OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS, RULES OR PROCEDURES. Any interpretation of, or deviation from, these rules is left to the discretion of race officials. THEIR DECISION IS FINAL.
It will be the responsibility of all Drivers/Teams to sign in, and pay the entry fee of $50.00 at each sanctioned SLMS event. The sign in will be conducted at the SLMS trailer at the location designated in the pit area. NO driver/team shall be allowed to be signed in by a third party. ONLY a driver, or crew representative shall be allowed to sign in the car that is at the track prior to cut off. SMLS officials can draw for drivers/teams not at the track under exceptional circumstances beyond the control of SLMS officials or the drivers/teams being signed in. Some races may require a larger entry fee at the discretion of the SLMS Race Director.
Technical Inspection shall be conducted by SLMS Technical Inspectors at the location designated. SLMS Technical Inspectors may designate a central location for Inspection. It shall be the responsibility of ALL drivers/teams to see to it that their cars have passed Inspection PRIOR to the drivers meeting. Cars being brought to inspection must have the hoods removed. Any car failing any part of technical inspection must make changes and have the car re-inspected while technical inspection is in progress. Any car that fails to meet all technical requirements shall be disqualified from the event. Entry fee money will be reimbursed to any car that cannot meet technical requirements. All cars will be subject to re-inspection following heat or feature events. The number of cars to be inspected following a qualifying heat or feature event shall be announced prior to the event at the drivers meeting. All cars are subject to spot checks by SLMS Technical Inspectors at any time.
It shall be the responsibility of ALL drivers to attend the drivers meeting. In most circumstances, the drivers meeting will be prior to hot laps. Any rule, format, or schedule change will be discussed at the drivers meeting. ALL drivers will be responsible for information discussed at the drivers meeting.
All pertinent information such as race line-ups, point standings, provisional availability shall be posted at the SLMS trailer.
A standard SLMS DIRT car series single night event will consist of heat races, last chance qualifiers (or B features), and a 25 or 30 lap feature event. The standard length of each heat race shall be 10 laps, and the standard length of each last chance qualifier is 12 laps. The number of heats and last chance qualifiers will be determined by car count and track size. Standard race lengths can be adjusted by SLMS officials for track conditions or extenuating circumstances. Any track that desires to host a "two-night show," will do so with the standard single night event format used each night. That track will pay the minimum purse required for each night of racing. Any track that would desire to alter the standard SLMS event will only do so if a larger than minimum purse is paid, and with agreement of SLMS officials.
Drivers draw for heat race starting position. Feature races are heads up from the heats with the top 2 drivers from each heat racing redrawing for their A feature starting position. That number can change depending on car count.
Initial Race Starts:
Cars will start in rows of two. Pole position car sets the pace of the field for the start. There will be a designated point (in turn 4 at most tracks) where the field can pick up the pace for the start. Any cars jumping the start prior to reaching the pick up point (regardless of their row) will be sent back one row. Any cars deemed jumping the start in any other fashion may be sent back one row. If a car jumps the start twice, those cars will be sent to the rear of the field.
Yellow Flag Situations:
Any cars stopping on a yellow will be placed on the rear of the restarting line-up. Cars stopping to avoid being part of the incident (in the decision of the SLMS officials), will restart in the order they were running prior to the yellow flag less the cars that are involved in the yellow.
If all cars but one complete the lap at the time of the yellow with the exception of the car that the caused the yellow, that lap will be scored as complete. The car that stopped will be one lap down since their lap was not completed. If two or more cars are involved, that lap is not scored and the race reverts to the last completed lap.
If a car receives any service while stopped on the track other than by a SLMS or track official, that car will be disqualified for that race as work is NOT ALLOWED on the track under yellow.
Red Flag Situations:
When a red flag condition warrants, all cars must stop IMMEDIATELY while being as safe as possible. Cars are NOT to continue rolling so they can make it to the work area! Stop means Stop! Cars are to never roll past the scene of an accident under red nor pass any safety personnel. Failure to adhere to these rules could be cause for disqualification.
All red flag occurrences are closed reds. SLMS and / or the racetrack may call for an open red when the situation is favorable for it. Any car receiving service without an open red condition will be disqualified from that race unless they are in the work area.
Cars will be lined up in the order of the last completed lap less the cars that were involved in the accident. Cars changing any tire under red must do so in the work area and will be placed at the rear of the field upon returning to the racetrack.
Should the checkered flag be waved prior to a red or yellow flag being presented and all cars have not crossed the finish line, all cars taking the checkered flag prior to the red or yellow flag being displayed will be scored as they crossed the line. All other cars will be scored as they crossed the line on the previously completed lap.
Work Area:
At each event, a designated work area will be selected for cars to obtain service. Any cars able to return to the track prior to the restart of the race will do so at the tail of the field. This will be discussed in the driver's meeting. The same applies to single file re-starts and caution procedures.
All drivers will enter and race only one car, except when damage or equipment failure prevents the original car from competing. IF a driver experiences damage or failure sufficient enough for his car to be unable to compete, then a driver may go to a back-up car ONLY after gaining approval from the SLMS officials.
All scheduled events that are rained-out, or otherwise canceled due to circumstances beyond the control of SLMS officials and track officials will be re-scheduled if at all possible. Drivers and crew members MUST retain armbands, or any other pit admission ticket to be re-admitted to a re-scheduled event. Tracks are NOT required to refund pit admission UNLESS there are no other SLMS events scheduled for the track, and the race is determined to NOT be made up. Entry fees paid to SLMS officials will be applied to the NEXT scheduled event and will be refunded if NO other events remain on the schedule.
NO radios will be allowed for ANY SLMS sanctions events. No other form of electronic communication device will be allowed. ANY driver using a radio or other electronic communication device is subject to fines, disqualification, and suspension.
In the case of a rainout, the SLMS director may award appearance points at his discretion. Factors that would lead to awarding of appearance points for a rainout include, but are not limited to the following: all drivers have paid an entry fee, the line-ups have been posted and/or the driver's meeting has been held. If the race has been called off after that point, then the competition director would award each driver/team ten (10) appearance points.
Drivers known to be committed to the SLMS dirt car racing series championship can be awarded hardship points for EXTREME situations. An extreme situation can be, but shall not be limited to, a death or grave illness in the immediate family. A driver known to be traveling to the site of an SLMS sanctioned event that has a transporter accident or breakdown that prevented that driver from competing in the event can also apply for hardship points. Hardship points can generally be awarded up to two times a season and will only be awarded with the consent of the SLMS race director. Hardship points will be equivalent to points earned by starting a last chance qualifier, but not transferring to the feature event. The race director shall have final say in awarding of hardship points.
Drawings can be found at www.umpracing.com
1. Top view
2. Side view
3. Spoiler support
4. Rear roof support